(写真は2001年9月11日の米国同時多発テロ Wikipediaより 著作権はPublic Domain)
2011年05月03日(火)19:30追記:ビン・ラーディン容疑者邸宅座標:34°11'15.67"N 73°14'33.13"E
これを受けてホワイトハウス前では大勢の人々が集結し、「USA!USA!」のかけ声や米国歌を合唱するなど群集が祝賀ムードとなったとのことです。また日本に於きましても、国際情勢の不安定要因が一つ取り除かれたとの見方から東京株式市場の日経平均株価は一時的に1万円の大台を回復しました。CNNの報道"Timeline: Osama bin Laden operation" (2011年05月02日(月) 19:41GMT)によりますとビン・ラーディン容疑者殺害の成功の鍵となったのは、容疑者の信頼の厚い密使の発見であり、現地時間の夜明け前の早朝に行われた作戦は下記の様な経緯であったとの事です。
Four years ago: Officials uncovered the courier's identity.
Two years ago: Investigators identified areas of Pakistan where the courier and his brother lived.
August: The residence of the courier and his brother was found in Abbottabad, 30 to 35 miles north of Islamabad, Pakistan's capital.
September: The CIA worked with President Barack Obama "on a set of assessments that led it to believe that in fact it was possible" bin Laden may be at the compound in Abbottabad.
February: U.S. officials concluded there was a "sound intelligence basis" for pursuing bin Laden at that location.
March and April. Obama held a series of National Security Council meetings "to develop courses of action to bring justice to Osama bin Laden." There were at least five meetings: March 14, March 29, April 12, April 19 and Thursday.
Friday. Obama gave the final order to pursue the operation.
Sunday. After months of decision-making and planning, a U.S. military team conducted a small helicopter raid on the compound. The officials did not provide a breakdown of team members, but a senior U.S. defense official said U.S. Navy SEALs were involved in the operation.
The team was in the compound for 40 minutes. It did not encounter any local authorities during the raid.
Bin Laden resisted the assault force and died in a firefight. Along with bin Laden, three adult males were killed.
Two were believed to be the couriers, and one was a son of bin Laden's.
A woman used as a human shield by a male combatant died, and two women were injured.
A helicopter was lost because of mechanical failure.
Intelligence on bin Laden was not shared with Pakistan and other countries.
After the raid, U.S. officials briefed Pakistani and other world leaders.
また別のCNNの報道"How U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden"(2011年05月03日(火) 0031 GMT )によりますと、邸宅は下記の様な異様で極めて不審なものであったとの事です。
"built five years ago for the specific purpose of hiding bin Laden"
"The compound is in Abbottabad, about 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of the Pakistani capital of Islamabad. The city sits in a mountainous region that is not heavily populated. Many of the residents are army personnel. "
"When first built, the compound was secluded and reachable by only a dirt road, the officials said. In recent years, more residences built up around it, but it remained by far the largest and most heavily secured property in the area, they said."
"outer walls up to 18 feet tall topped with barbed wire, with two security gates and a series of internal walls that sectioned off different portions of the compound"
"The main structure was a three-story building with few windows facing the outside of the compound, and a third-floor terrace had a 7-foot privacy wall, they said."
"The officials noted there was no telephone or Internet service at the dwelling, which was valued at more than $1 million, and its occupants burned their trash rather than leave it out for collection as other area residents did."
"The official said the forces had to fight their way through the first floor of the three-story building, where two adult males lived."
"Bin Laden and his family lived on the second and third floors, and they were cleared last, with bin Laden killed in the last five or 10 minutes of the siege, the official said. "
"This official also said that bin Laden was shot twice, once in the chest and once in the head."
"When we saw the compound where the brothers lived, we were shocked by what we saw -- an extraordinarily unique compound," one senior administration official said. "The compound sits on a large plot of land in an area that was relatively secluded when it was built. It is roughly eight times larger than the other homes in the area."
"Noting that the courier and his brother had no discernible source of wealth to live at such a property, intelligence analysts concluded the compound was "custom-built to hide someone of extraordinary significance," the official said, adding: "Everything was consistent with what experts thought Osama bin Laden's compound would look like."
2011年05月03日(火)19:40追記:下の図は米国防総省公表のビンラーディン容疑者邸宅図(クリックで拡大) 今回の米軍の特殊部隊によるビン・ラーディン容疑者殺害は「テロとの戦い」に於きまして一つの区切りにはなるでしょう。実際にどの部隊の誰が関わったかは報復を避ける為にも公開されることはないでしょう。
2011年05月07日(土)12:50追記:今回の襲撃作戦に参加したのはCNNの05月07日の報道によりますとSEAL Team6(正式名称はDEVGRU, Team6は1987年に解散)とのことです。
その一方で今回の殺害が組織にとり一定のダメージになるとの見方も存在します。アルカイダ内部には様々なグループや思想があり、ビン・ラーディン容疑者の存在とカリスマ性があってこそ、そういった異なった思想やグループが統一を保っていたとの見方です。精神的指導者が居なくなった事により、中長期的には分裂する可能性もあるとの事です(CNNテロリズム分析者Paul Cruickshank氏の5月2日分析)
また今回は米側は上記の通りに"Intelligence on bin Laden was not shared with Pakistan and other countries."(ビン・ラーディン容疑者に関する情報はパキスタン及びその他の国に共有しなかった。)としていますが、パキスタン当局は襲撃当時に同国情報機関の統合情報部(ISI)も現場にいたと主張しています。
NHKの5月3日 7時48分の報道によりますと、アメリカ政府の高官は「パキスタン側がこの住宅に容疑者が潜んでいることを知っていた形跡はなかった」としています。またこのNHKの報道によりますと、隠れ家からは多くの重要な品を押収しており、パソコンなどのデータの分析を進めるとの事です。またこのNHKの報道で報じられていますが「(遺体を)引き取ってくれる国が見つからなかったため、日本時間の2日午後2時すぎ、アメリカ軍の原子力空母から遺体をアラビア海に葬って水葬にした」とのことです。凶悪犯罪者の最後はいつも惨めなものです。
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この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 米国特殊部隊が米国同時多発テロ首謀者ビン・ラーディン容疑者を射殺:
» ビン・ラーディン殺害作戦にステルス型ブラックホーク投入か [アシナガバチの巣作り日記]
前回の記事「米国特殊部隊が米国同時多発テロ首謀者ビン・ラーディン容疑者を射殺」 [続きを読む]
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