当ブログの2012年10月7日(日)の記事「中国の空母と謎の新型ステルス機に関する各専門家の分析」で2012年11月 5日 (月) 23時29分に「専門家の分析が待ち遠しいですね。」とのコメントを 浦島太郎様より頂きました。それは多くの方々の共通の思いではないでしょうか。今回はそういった分析を紹介したいと思います。
Defense Newsの2012年11月1日(木) 08:20AMの記事"State Media: New China Stealth Fighter in Test Flight ( 国営放送:中国の新型ステルス戦闘機が飛行試験 )"に漢和情報センターの軍事専門家の分析が掲載されていますので、内容を一部抜粋し翻訳します。
The J-31, the second stealth plane to be unveiled by China in less than two years, flew for 11 minutes on the morning of Oct. 31, the state-run Global Times reported, citing an eyewitness.
China’s first stealth fighter, the J-20, was unveiled in early 2011 but is not expected to enter service until 2018. The country’s first aircraft carrier entered service last month, with others capable of carrying aircraft expected to follow.
The J-31 appears to be more mobile than the J-20, with its landing gear suggesting it is designed to be launched from an aircraft carrier, military expert Andrei Chang told AFP.
J-31はJ-20よりも機動性がある様に見え、着陸ギアから空母から離陸するように設計されていることが窺えると軍事専門家のAndrei Chang氏はAFPに述べた。
He said the J-31 appeared similar to the latest “fifth” generation of U.S.-designed stealth fighters, but with a less powerful engine and a lower proportion of sophisticated radar-blocking composite materials.
“In terms of design it appears the J-31 is inferior to the latest U.S. planes,” said Chang, head of the Kanwa Information Centre, which monitors China’s military.
“The layout is similar, but the material and quality are inferior.”
“It will take at least seven or eight years before it can be commercially sold,” Chang said, adding that the test flight was timed to coincide with the run-up to China’s once-in-a-decade leadership transition next month.
“I think the regime is trying to show off to their colleagues that the Hu Jintao regime achieved a lot for China,” he said, adding that the J-31’s manufacturers hoped to export the plane to Chinese allies such as Pakistan.
2012年5月18日の「中国の軍事力・安全保障の進展に関する年次報告書」の議会への提出に際し、David Helvey担当国防次官補代理が国防総省担当記者団への記者会見の中でJ-20に関しましても言及しており、その発言の詳細は同日のFlightglobalの記事"Chengdu J-20 could enter service by 2018(成都J-20が2018年までに配備か)"に下記の通りに掲載されています(以下は一部抜粋と翻訳)。
"We expect the J-20 to achieve an effective operational capability no sooner than 2018," Helvey says. "That reflects our judgment and interpretation of how far they are along in doing the research and development and flight testing of the prototypes," he adds.)
Operational capability as the DoD defines it means that there should be enough aircraft, weapons and trained air crew to conduct real-world missions, Helvey says.
国防総省の定義では作戦能力とは現実の作戦を遂行するのに十分な機体数、武器、訓練された操縦士 があるべきことを意味するとHelvey氏は述べた。
この時の発言の概要は国防総省の公式ホームページの当日の記者会見記録でも閲覧することが出来ますが、そこにもJ-20に関し"effective operational capability no sooner than 2018."との記述が見受けられます。
このDefense Newsの記事に登場します「漢和情報センター」とは彼等の公式ホームページによりますと、「カナダのトロント市に登録している民間のニュース提 供機関です。中国、南北朝鮮、日本、インドなどアジア諸国の外交、安全保障問題を 中心に、モスクワやワシントンDC及びその他エリアの特派員からの最新情報、様々な ニュース、オリジナルの写真、分析記事などを定期的に発表しています。当社の記事 はこれまで、日本の朝日新聞、産経新聞、讀売新聞、軍事研究、英国ジェーンズ・イ ンフォメーション・グループ、米国ランド社など、有名メディアで多数採用されてき ました。」とあります。ホームページには英語、中国語、日本語での閲覧が可能です。
Andrei Chang氏はJ-31に関しまして「着陸ギアから空母から離陸するように設計されている」、「最新の米国製戦闘機よりもJ-31は劣っているように見える」、「同機を商業的に販売するまでに少なくとも7年~8年は要するであろう。」と画像から判断しています。
(下の表は日本語版WikipediaよりF-35A型とB型とC型の比較表 寸法的にはJ-31はF-35とほぼ同程度の寸法と言えるでしょう。)
(下の画像は上記のYouTube動画よりJ-31を横から撮影したもの 前輪が二重タイヤとなっており、艦載機ではないかとの推測の根拠の一つとなっている。日本語の追記は筆者によるもの)
新型戦闘機の機体の材料として使う為に、400万ドル相当(約2トン分)の軍事グレードのカーボンファイバーTORAY製M60JB-3000-50B(東レトレカ®糸は、ポリアクリロニトル(PAN)を原料にした高性能炭素繊維)を違法に第三国経由で中国に輸出しようとしたとして、中国人のMing Suan Zhang(40歳)が 2012年9月に米国で逮捕・起訴された事件です。なお犯行グループは日本市場での入手を試みましたが、困難であった為に断念したことも判明しています。これらに関しましては下記の二つの資料に詳述されており、非常に興味深いものです。
資料1:ニューヨーク東部地区連邦地方裁判所で明らかにされた2012年9月7日付の刑事告訴状および宣誓供述書(PDF 英語)
第5頁:obtaining a license would be problematic, because the acquisition related to a “military matter” (入手目的は「軍事」に関連する為に、(輸出)許可を得ることは困難である。)
第7頁:The author of the email stated that he had found an end user for the carbon fiber, and that it was needed for the test flight of a new Chinese fighter jet.
第10頁:his customer needed a sample of the carbon fiber because it would be used for a test flight of a “fighter plane” on October 5, 2012. (2012年10月5日の戦闘機の飛行試験に使われるであろう為に、彼の顧客はカーボンファイバーのサンプルを必要とした。)
資料2:「軍事用カーボンファイバー」中国への密輸計画 (2012年10月01日(月) WIRED NEWS)
(下の画像はカタログより クリックで拡大)
「F35ステルス戦闘機、日本が共同製造参入へ」(2012年11月8日14時32分 読売新聞)
「政府は8日、航空自衛隊の次期主力戦闘機(FX)として2016年度に導入する最新鋭ステルス戦闘機F35に関し、17年度以降、米英などの企業が行う部品製造への国内企業参加を認める方針を固めた。 」、「政府は、国内防衛産業が製造する部品の将来的な海外輸出も視野に入れている。」
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投稿: 浦島太郎 | 2012年11月10日 (土) 15時31分
投稿: アシナガバチ | 2012年11月11日 (日) 11時19分
Avic Promotes J-31 As An Export Fighter
By Bradley Perrett, Robert Hewson, Reuben Johnson, Bill Sweetman
Source: Aviation Week & Space Technology
November 19, 2012
As much as the resources wielded by the Chinese state aerospace industry impress outsiders these days, few could have expected that one of the companies in the sector would want to produce a stealth fighter on its own account.
But that is just what Shenyang Aircraft wants to do. Equally surprisingly, the Chinese air force is turning its nose up at the result. What looks like a thoroughly modern stealth fighter is apparently not good enough to serve as China's next medium-weight combat aircraft.
After three evidently staged appearances of the real aircraft this year, Avic displayed a model at Airshow China in Zhuhai last week, displaying the fighter that is unofficially called the J-31 and known to come from Shenyang. The aircraft is being developed “for the international defense market,” says Avic.
The model was labeled as a concept fighter, but it showed few if any differences from the real aircraft that appeared first under wraps on a truck in June, then being pulled around an airfield in September and, finally, on Oct. 31, in the air, prominently numbered “31001” and possibly making its first flight. It is clear, then, that the project has transcended the concept stage.
The aircraft has been designed to deliver a highly stealthy configuration at low cost, with a heavy weapons load capability over a wide combat radius, says Avic. The model is a single-seat, twin-tail, twin-engine aircraft with a high wing, like the real aircraft seen in unattributed photographs on the Internet. As described at the show, the fighter has a typical takeoff weight of 17.5 metric tons, is 16.9 meters (55.5 ft.) long and 4.8 meters high with a wingspan of 11.5 meters.
The aircraft that flew last month has two Klimov RD-93 engines, which project engineers do not regard as sufficiently powerful, industry executives say. As fitted to the JF-17 (or FC-1) single-engine export fighter from Shenyang's rival, Chengdu Aircraft, the RD-93 produces 19,000 lb. thrust. Regardless of the RD-93's power, Shenyang needs a Chinese engine if it is to avoid Russia holding a veto over J-31 sales. Judging from photographs of the prototype, the nacelles may be designed for engines larger in diameter than the RD-93, a derivative of the MiG-29's RD-33. The alternative may be the reported WS-13 Taishan from the Guizhou plant of propulsion specialist Avic Engine.
Avic says the J-31 has a combat radius of 1,250 km (780 mi.) on internal fuel or 2,000 km with external tanks. Maximum speed is Mach 1.8, takeoff distance is 400 meters and its landing distance 600 meters.
“Operational effectiveness will be higher than current or upgraded fourth-generation fighters or almost equivalent to typical fifth-generation,” says Avic. The reference to fifth-generation aircraft presumably indicates the Lockheed Martin F-22 and F-35.
The J-31 is known to come from Shenyang because the company displayed a flyable model of a similar fighter last year with the designation F-60 and because a wrapped object that was presumably the real aircraft was trucked in June from Shenyang to Xian, where China has a flight-test center.
The designation “J-31” may be no more valid than the widely assumed but unconfirmed moniker “J-20” applied to a larger fighter from the Chengdu fighter works. The Shenyang aircraft is also sometimes called J-21—again, without any certain validity. The J-20 was revealed in late 2010 and appears to have made its first flight in January 2011. It was not promoted at Zhuhai.
And therein lies a key piece of evidence of the status of the J-31. The J-20 was not at Zhuhai because it is not for sale and because China does not want to reveal too much about it. It is intended for the Chinese air force.
Conversely, because the J-31 was exhibited at Zhuhai and is promoted as an export product, the Chinese air force obviously does not want it. Early production of a fighter intended for Chinese service would be reserved for the air force, as has been Chengdu's J-10, the current Chinese medium-weight fighter.
Why, then, has Shenyang developed it? There are a few possibilities. It could be a technology demonstrator funded by the military, one that the company's management thinks has good potential for full development as an operational fighter.
Alternatively, it could be an internally funded program for the export market, as the company seems to suggest, encouraged by the knowledge that not all countries have access to Western fighters. The J-31 would mainly be a competitor to Russian fighters—though Shenyang might also be calculating that buyers of Western equipment will want more choice as some U.S. and European types go out of production over the next decade or two. Importantly, the Chinese fighter should be cheap, as the JF-17 is, while offering at least the prestige of stealth technology.
Shenyang is working on China's ship-borne fighters, raising the possibility that the J-31 was at one time intended for the newly commissioned aircraft carrier Liaoning and its successors. If so, it probably is not now destined for such service, since the navy, like the air force, would not want to exhibit an aircraft that it intended to operate.
The difference in the sizes between the J-20 and J-31 indicates that they have probably not been designed for the same requirement. Moreover, Avic makes no mention of any domestic use for the aircraft.
A foreign aerospace executive with insight into Shenyang and the wider Chinese industry has perhaps the simplest explanation for the J-31's existence: “This is the program of a company that has more engineers than it knows what to do with.”
While a prototype or technology demonstrator is flying, a key question is whether much progress has been made in developing low-observability features that are easily maintained and do not encumber the aircraft with much weight. An even greater challenge for Shenyang and its suppliers to overcome is fitting the aircraft with electronic systems that merge the inputs from various sensors to give the pilot situational awareness. Avic's statement that the aircraft will offer capability “almost equivalent” to the latest U.S. fighter suggests that it aims to go some way in that direction.
And yet that could all be far away. There is a world of difference between, on the one hand, flying an aircraft that from the outside looks like a fighter and, on the other, building an operational combat aircraft. The F-35 will go into service almost 20 years after the first flight of its X-35 technology demonstrator. Similarly, Shenyang may so far have little more than a bare aircraft that an “export” customer would be expected to help fully develop, or at least fund, as Pakistan has with the JF-17.
Avionics immaturity may be the reason why the J-31 is an export-only aircraft, even though it seems well-sized as a successor to the Chinese air force's J-10 and as a cheaper, large-production complement to the J-20. The air force may well have decided that Chinese industry has enough of a challenge in improving the J-10 and integrating systems for the J-20. But yet another possibility is that Shenyang or Chengdu is cooking up something more advanced than the J-31. With no clear answer, that probably remains the key mystery about the J-31: Why does the Chinese military not want it?
Reviewing the J-31's configuration, it appears that the designers have aimed for an aircraft that has stealth but also conventional fighter versatility, and they are not trying to achieve supersonic flight without afterburning, as the F-22 does. The choice of a quad aft-tail arrangement—two horizontal and two vertical stabilizers—indicates the designers wanted to combine low radar reflectivity with high angles of attack and therefore easier handling in combat, which that would have been hard to do with a canard configuration.
The aft-tail layout also puts hard points close to the center of gravity, probably making the carriage of stores easier and thereby promoting versatility. Photographs of the aircraft at an airfield in September revealed the doors of a large ventral weapons bay.
The model has only moderate sweep on the leading edge of the J-31's wing. To minimize radar reflections, air inlets for the engines have no boundary-layer diverter plates. The nose volume is not large, leaving room for only a modestly sized radar antenna.
For all its habitual secretiveness, the Chinese military displayed two recent attack helicopters at Zhuhai for the first time. One of these was the Z-10 (or WZ-10), which Chinese media suggest is sized between the Eurocopter Tiger and Boeing AH-64 Apache. It is a product of the Changhe works of Avic rotary-wing specialist Avicopter.
The other was the Z-19, an adaptation of the Z-9 and, ultimately, Eurocopter AS352 Dauphin, but with a new fuselage and tandem seating. As a Dauphin derivative, the aircraft should have a gross weight of 4-5 tons, making it somewhat smaller than the Z-10. Harbin Aircraft, also part of Avicopter, builds the Dauphin derivative. It did so originally under a license that Eurocopter says has expired.
Both attack helicopters are powered by Chinese engines, says Avic. The Z-10, at least, has reportedly been fitted with foreign engines during development.
Harbin has also developed an attack version of the Z-9 that retained the bulky cabin of the original utility helicopter. The Chinese army allowed rare close inspection of a recent version, the Z-9WZ in July.
Bradley Perrett, Robert Hewson and Reuben Johnson Zhuhai, China and Bill Sweetman London
投稿: 中国人 | 2012年11月22日 (木) 22時01分
投稿: アシナガバチ | 2012年12月18日 (火) 12時39分